Now Write

In his book On Writing: a Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King said “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others:  read a lot and write a lot.” Although we learn from every book we read, since my blog is about memoirs, I would like to recommend  another […]

From fiction to memoir

For writers, the choice of what type of book to write varies from fiction, which includes, among others, mystery, romance, or historical novels, to non-fiction, with memoirs sitting close to but seldom at the top of the list. To write a successful book in a fiction genre, an author must be able to speak through […]

writing a memoir

There are many how-to books  about writing memoirs, and often writers who embark on the journey of writing a memoir feel compelled to follow the suggestions these books offer. If they veer from their recommendations, writers panic, believing they will not have a good memoir in the end.  My blog will be about why I chose to write […]